O Idioms and Quizzes
O Idiom Quiz #1
Quiz 1 - Choose the correct idiom to replace the expression in the brackets. Check your score at the bottom. Click on the idiom for the definition.
Your score is: ___ out of 5
O Idiom Quiz #2
Quiz 2 - Choose the correct idiom to replace the expression in the brackets. Check your score at the bottom. Click on the idiom for the definition.
Your score is: ___ out of 5
O Idiom Quiz #3
Quiz 3 - Choose the correct idiom to replace the expression in the brackets. Check your score at the bottom. Click on the idiom for the definition.
Your score is: ___ out of 5
O Idiom Quiz #4
Quiz 4 - Choose the correct idiom to replace the expression in the brackets. Check your score at the bottom. Click on the idiom for the definition.
Your score is: ___ out of 5
O Idiom Quiz #5
Quiz 5 - Choose the correct idiom to replace the expression in the brackets. Check your score at the bottom. Click on the idiom for the definition.
Your score is: ___ out of 5
O Idiom Quiz #6
Quiz 6 - Choose the correct idiom to replace the expression in the brackets. Check your score at the bottom. Click on the idiom for the definition.
Your score is: ___ out of 5
O Idiom Quiz #7
Quiz 7 - Choose the correct idiom to replace the expression in the brackets. Check your score at the bottom. Click on the idiom for the definition.
Your score is: ___ out of 5
O Idiom Quiz #8
Quiz 8 - Choose the correct idiom to replace the expression in the brackets. Check your score at the bottom. Click on the idiom for the definition.
Your score is: ___ out of 5
O Idioms
occur to (someone)
- to come into someone's mind (an idea or thought)
It occurred to me that I will not be able to meet my friend on Saturday because I have to go to the airport to meet someone else.
ocean(s) of (something)
- a very large amount of something
There was oceans of food at the party.
There was an ocean of people at the festival.
odd man out
- an unusual person, a person who is different, a person who is left out of a group for some reason
The boy is always the odd man out at the park.
(the) odd (something)
- an extra or spare something, one or two of something
We saw the odd animal on our hike in the mountains.
an oddball
- a person who does not act like other people
The man is an oddball and nobody likes to work with him.
odds and ends
- a variety of small items (sometimes remnants of something else)
We made games for the children from odds and ends that we have at our house.
odor of sanctity
- an atmosphere of excessive holiness or piety
There was an odor of sanctity in the chambers of the judge at the courthouse.
Of Idioms
of age
- to be old enough to be allowed to do something (vote or drink etc.)
When my cousin came of age we had a big party to celebrate.
of age
- to be fully developed, to be mature
Rapid transportation came of age when the first jets were built.
of all stripes
- of all types/kinds (stripes are like military ranks)
People of all stripes gave their opinion at the meeting.
We can meet people of all stripes in our company.
People of all stripes love the young singer.
of all the nerve
- how shocking
Of all the nerve for my friend to ask me for more money when she never repaid me what she had already borrowed.
of all things
- Imagine that!
"Of all things," the woman said when the post office employee told her that her package was too large for delivery.
of benefit to (someone)
- to be good for someone, to be a benefit to someone
Another meeting to solve the problem is of no benefit to myself so I will not attend.
of course
- certainly, definitely, naturally
"Of course you can use my car if you want to."
of every stripe
- of every type/kind (stripes are like military ranks)
People of every stripe gave their opinion at the meeting.
We can meet people of every stripe in our company.
People of every stripe love the young singer.
of interest (to someone)
- to be interesting to someone
The man who works at the gas station is of interest to the police in their investigation of the murder.
of late
- lately
Of late, there has been almost no rain in our city.
of little benefit (to/for someone or something)
- not much benefit, not so valuable or good
The farmers need more rain but last week's small amount of rain was of little benefit to them.
The course is good but it will be of little benefit for the woman's university degree.
The new computer software is of little benefit to the company.
of no avail
- with no effect, unsuccessful
My complaints to the company were of no avail and nothing was done.
of one's own accord
- by one's own choice
The supervisor decided to leave her job of her own accord.
of one's own free will
- by one's own choice
The man volunteered of his own free will.
of the old school
- attitudes from the past which are no longer popular
Our teacher's attitudes are of the old school and are not often found these days.
of two minds (about something)
- to be undecided, to have two opinions or ideas about something
I am of two minds about taking the class or not.
We are of two minds about going to the movie or not.
The woman is of two minds about whether or not to take the job.
Off Idioms
off and on
- occasionally
The man has studied French off and on but he is not very serious.
off and running
- to be making a good start, to be progressing well
The candidates are off and running in the race to become mayor of the city.
off balance
- to be not prepared for something, to be unable to meet the unexpected
I was off balance when my boss asked me to deliver the speech instead of him.
off base
- to be inaccurate or wrong
We were off base with our estimate of next year`s budget.
off campus
- not on the grounds of a college or university
The used bookstore was off campus but it was very popular with the university students.
- to be not exactly in the center or middle of something
The picture was off-center and did not look good on the wall.
the off chance
- a slight possibility
I went to the department store on the off chance that I would find a jacket that I liked.
- to be in bad taste, to not be polite, to be not the exact color
The man likes to tell off-color jokes which most people do not like.
We painted the walls an off-color of white.
off duty
- not working
The police officer was off duty when he saw the bank robbery.
off guard
- not alert to the unexpected
It caught me off guard when my friend suddenly asked me to lend her some money.
off like a shot
- to go away quickly
The children were off like a shot when the school bell rang.
off limits
- forbidden
The factory was off limits to everybody except the workers who worked there.
off on the wrong foot
- to start something under bad circumstances
I tried to talk to my new neighbor but it seems that we are off on the wrong foot already.
off one`s back
- not bothering someone
I wish that my father would get off my back and stop asking me when I am going to look for a job.
off one`s chest
- not bothering you anymore (usually used for a problem)
I talked to my friend and I was able to get my problem off my chest.
off one`s hands
- no longer in one`s care or possession
I sold my old computer and got it off my hands.
off one`s high horse
- not acting proud and scornful, not acting like you are better than others
Our boss got off his high horse when he admitted that he had made many mistakes with the new product.
off one`s rocker
- crazy
The man must be off his rocker if he thinks that he can spend much money and not have financial problems.
off season
- not in the busy time of the year, to be restricted (the hunting of an animal)
It was off season so we got a very cheap rate for the hotel room.
It was off season and we could not hunt ducks.
off (someone or something) goes
- someone or something is leaving
"Off we go," I said as we opened the door and left the house.
off the air
- not broadcasting
The small radio station was not popular and is now off the air.
off the beam
- wrong or mistaken
What the man said about the new policy was off the beam and should be ignored by everybody.
off the beaten track
- not well known or often used, unusual
Last night, we went to a small restaurant that was off the beaten track.
off the charts
- much more than you expect, extremely popular or successful
The popularity of the new movie is off the charts.
Our expenses for this months are off the charts.
Our sales for this month are off the charts.
off the cuff
- without preparation (usually used when you are speaking)
Most of the company president's remarks were made off the cuff.
Our boss made a great off-the-cuff speech at the party last night.
off the hook
- out of trouble or free from an embarrassing situation
I am off the hook now and I will not have to worry about the problem anymore.
off the mark
- not quite exactly right
The cost estimate for the new train station was off the mark.
off the rack
- (an article of clothing that is) available for immediate purchase, ready-made
Our boss always buys his suits off the rack.
off the record
- private, unofficial
The politician told the reporters off the record about the money problems.
off the subject
- not concerned with the subject under discussion
Our teacher often speaks off the subject during our class lectures.
off the top of one`s head
- without thinking about something very much, without checking what is written about something, based on what you remember
The boy knew all of the team members off the top of his head.
I could not remember the exact numbers off the top of my head.
I was unable to remember the name of the restaurant off the top of my head.
off the track
- not concerned with the topic under discussion
My friend was off the track when he suggested that the problem was caused by someone else.
off the wagon
- drinking alcohol again after stopping for a period of time
The man is off the wagon again. I saw him yesterday and I am sure that he had been drinking.
off the wall
- odd/silly/unusual
The recent remarks by our boss were off the wall.
off to a bad start
- to start something under bad circumstances
The production of the play was off to a bad start when the lights did not work.
off to a running start
- a good and fast beginning
We were off to a running start with our preparations for the autumn festival.
off to one side
- beside something, moved away from something
We will put the chair off to one side while we decide what to do with it.
off to the races
- to be about to leave or start something, to be about to go somewhere, to be going somewhere exciting
We are now off to the races and ready to start our project.
We are off to the races. We are leaving now for our holiday!
office politics
- the competition between various groups in a company
I do not like the office politics in my company.
- unconventional, different from the usual
The movie was very offbeat which is just the kind of movie that I like.
(as) old as the hills
- very old
The building next to the library is as old as the hills.
an old hand at (doing something)
- experienced at doing something
My father is an old hand at building kitchen furniture.
old hat
- old-fashioned, not new or different
My job has become old hat and I am now tired of it.
one's old stamping ground
- a place where a person is familiar with and spends or spent much of his or her time
My cousin went back to his old stamping ground which he remembered as a teenager.
I like to return to my old stamping ground and meet my old friends.
On Idioms
on a budget
- with an amount of money that you can or want to spend for something
The man has no job and is now on a budget.
The university student is on a budget.
on a diet
- to be eating less food so that you can lose weight
I was on a diet for several months last year.
on a dime
- in a very small space, quickly
My new car has very powerful brakes and is able to stop on a dime.
on a first-name basis (with someone)
- good friends with someone
I am not on a first-name basis with my neighbor.
on a fool's errand
- involved in a useless journey or task
I was on a fool's errand as I looked for a store that sold organic candy.
on a large scale
- in large numbers, in a large size
The company likes to do everything on a large scale.
on a shoestring
- with very little money
The man started his new company on a shoestring.
on a splurge
- spending much money extravagantly
We went on a splurge last weekend and spent much money.
on a waiting list
- on a list of people waiting for something
My father is on a waiting list to get an operation on his knee.
on account
- on credit, partial payment of a debt or an invoice
We buy many things on account at the local department store.
on active duty
- doing full-time service (usually used in the military when someone is doing full-time service)
The soldiers were on active duty when the hurricane reached the shore.
on again, off again
- to be unsettled or changeable or uncertain
The plans for the fireworks display were on again, off again because of the windy weather.
on all fours
- on one's hands and knees
I was on all fours as I looked for my grandmother's hearing aide.
on an even keel
- calm and not likely to change suddenly, in a steady and well-balanced situation (the keel is the bottom of a boat or ship and when the boat is on an even keel it is balanced)
The new department was running on an even keel soon after it opened.
on and off
- intermittently, now and then, not regularly
It has been raining on and off since early this morning.
on and on
- continually, at tedious length
The speech continued on and on until we finally left the meeting.
on any account
- for any purpose, for any reason
I am not going to talk to that woman on any account.
on approval
- buying something with the right to return it
We carefuly looked at the chair which we had bought on approval.
on behalf of (someone)
- representing someone
The lawyer went to the meeting on behalf of his client.
on bended knee
- with great humility
The young man was on bended knee when he asked his girlfriend to marry him.
on board
- to be on a ship or airplane or train or similar form of transportation
We got on board the airplane just before they closed the doors.
on call
- available to go to work or to do something
The man's job is to repair computers and he is always on call.
The doctor is often on call during the weekend.
I told my friend that I would be on call if he needs me to help him.
on campus
- on the grounds of a college or university
We often go to a small coffee shop on campus after our classes.
on cloud nine
- very happy
The woman has been on cloud nine since she decided to get married.
on consignment
- being sold in a store but owned by someone who is trying to sell the item in the store
We went to the store to buy some baby furniture that was being sold on consignment.
on credit
- buying or selling something by using credit
I purchased the stereo on credit.
on deck
- on the deck of a boat or a ship
When we were on the boat we spent most of the time on deck.
on deck
- waiting to take one's turn (especially as a batter in baseball)
The player was on deck and waiting for his turn at bat.
on duty
- at work, currently doing one's work
There was nobody on duty when we arrived at the swimming pool.
on easy street
- having enough money to live comfortably
My uncle has been on easy street since he sold his house and invested the money.
on edge
- tense or nervous or irritable
The boy is on edge because of his exams.
The young woman is on edge before her job interview.
Our teacher seems to be on edge this morning.
on end
- seemingly endless
My uncle works for hours on end at his hobbies.
on everybody's/everyone's lips
- many people are talking about the same thing
The problems with the singer are on everybody's lips.
Today's news topic is on everybody's lips.
The question of the company becoming bankrupt is on everyone's lips.
on faith
- without question or proof
I take it on faith that my friend will help me if I need help.
on fire
- burning, being burned with flames
The house was on fire when the fire truck arrived.
on foot
- by walking
We plan to go downtown on foot.
on good terms with (someone)
- to be friendly with someone, to have a good relationship with someone
We are on good terms with our neighbors.
on guard
- careful or wary
The store owner has been on guard since he was robbed last month.
on hand
- available
I do not have any aspirin on hand at the moment.
on hand
- nearby, within reach
"Please keep your dictionary on hand during the exam."
on hand
- to be present
The speaker will be on hand after the lecture to answer questions.
on hold
- to be waiting, to be temporarily halted
The construction of the building is on hold while the city engineers finish their inspection.
on hold
- to be left waiting on a telephone line
I phoned the bank but I was quickly put on hold.
on horseback
- on the back of a horse
We went to the campground on horseback.
on ice
- away for safekeeping or later use, postponed
The city may put the plans for the new stadium on ice while they try to raise more money.
on impulse
- done without planning
I bought the new DVD on impulse.
on land
- on the land, on the soil, not at sea
The old sailor was never very comfortable when he was on land.
on line
- connected to a computer
The editor is able to do most of his work on line.
on location
- a movie or news broadcast that is filmed in a location away from the studio
The movie was filmed on location in the mountains.
The bad weather caused problems for the newsperson who was on location.
Most of the movie is being filmed on location.
on lunch
- to be on a lunch break
I was on lunch when my friend phoned.
on medication
- taking medicine for a current medical problem
The woman has been on medication for many years.
on no account
- for no reason, absolutely not
On no account will I let my friend borrow my laptop computer.
on occasion
- occasionally
We go to my favorite restaurant on occasion.
on one's best behavior
- being as polite as possible
The little boy was on his best behavior when he went to meet with his teacher.
on one's chest
- thoughts or feelings that are worrying you and that you might need to share with someone else
I had a long talk with my friend last night because I had many problems on my chest.
on one's coat-tails
- as a result of someone else doing something
The mayor was elected on the coat-tails of his brother who is a famous actor.
on one's feet
- recovering from sickness or trouble
I was sick for two weeks but now I am on my feet again.
on one's feet
- standing up
We were on our feet when the singer walked onto the stage.
on one's guard
- to be cautious or watchful
I was on my guard when I went into the meeting with my boss.
on one`s (own) head
- to be one`s own responsibility
The boy brought the anger on his own head and should not try and blame someone else.
on one`s high horse
- acting as if one is better than others, very proud and scornful
The boy is always on his high horse and never thinks about other people.
on one's honor
- with honesty and sincerity
I am on my honor when I look after the money for our club.
on one's mind
- currently being thought about
The incident at school was on my mind all week.
on one's own
- by oneself
The young girl has been on her own since she finished high school.
on one's own time
- during one's personal time, not while one is at work
The employees must make their personal phone calls on their own time.
on one's person
- carried with someone
The criminal had a knife on his person when he was arrested.
on one`s shoulders
- one`s responsibility
"Please don`t try to put the failure of your business on my shoulders."
on one`s toes
- alert
The teacher asks the students many questions to keep them on their toes.
on order
- something that is ordered with the delivery expected at some future date
The store has several computer printers on order.
on paper
- in theory, if judged from the written evidence
On paper, the idea seems like it will be very successful.
on par with (someone or something)
- equal to someone or something
The new French restaurant is on par with the best restaurants in Paris.
on pins and needles
- excited or nervous
The girl has been on pins and needles all day waiting for the contest to begin.
on probation
- serving a period of probation, serving a trial period
The new employee was on probation before he became a regular member of the staff.
on purpose
- intentionally
I think that the woman spilled her drink on purpose.
on sale
- offered for sale at a special low price
The television set was on sale so we decided to buy it.
on schedule
- at the expected or desired time
The train arrived on schedule and we found our friend easily.
on second thought
- after having reconsidered something
On second thought, I do not think that I will go to a movie tomorrow.
on shaky ground
- unstable, not secure, not strong
The man's position at his company is on shaky ground.
The new research proposal by the scientist is on shaky ground.
The building was built on shaky ground and was destroyed in the earthquake.
on (someone's) account
- because of someone
We went to the children's festival on our daughter's account.
on (someone`s) back
- making demands or criticizing someone, being an annoyance or bother to someone
My boss has been on my back all week trying to get me to finish my monthly report.
on (someone's) behalf
- acting as someone's agent, acting for the benefit of someone
I was able to sign for the registered letter on my wife's behalf.
on (someone`s) case
- making demands or criticizing someone, being an annoyance or bother to someone
The mother is always on her son's case to make him clean his room.
on (someone's) doorstep
- in someone's care, as someone's responsibility
The responsibility for feeding the extra staff suddenly arrived on my doorstep.
on (someone's) head
- on someone's own self (often used with blame)
The responsibility for fixing the computer was on my head.
on (someone`s) heels
- close behind someone, following someone
The dog was on the heels of the small rabbit.
I was right on my friend's heels as we hurried to the stadium.
on (someone or something's) last legs
- almost worn out or finished or broken, close to exhaustion or close to death
My computer is on its last legs and soon I will have to buy a new one.
I felt like I was on my last legs when I came home from shopping.
on (someone's) say-so
- with someone's permission or authority
The movie location will change on the movie director's say-so.
We will need our manager's say-so if we want to change the policy.
The family received a new stove on the apartment manager's say-so.
on (someone's) shoulders
- to be someone's responsibility
The responsibility for organizing the office is always on my shoulders.
on speaking terms with (someone)
- on friendly terms with someone
The woman is not on speaking terms with her older sister.
on standby
- to be waiting for a seat or ticket to become available on a train/plane/bus
We decided to fly to visit my parents on standby.
on target
- on schedule, exactly as predicted
Our company is on target to have its best year of sales ever.
on the air
- being broadcast on radio or TV
The television program has been on the air for three years now.
on the alert (for someone or something)
- watchful and attentive for someone or something
The police are on the alert for the man who robbed the small store.
on the average
- generally, usually
On the average, I get about eight hours of sleep every night.
on the back burner
- postponed or delayed
Our plans for a holiday are on the back burner because we have no money.
The government plans are on the back burner.
on the ball
- intelligent, able to do things well
The man is on the ball and can usually get his work done quickly.
on the bandwagon
- doing or joining something because many others are doing it
Everybody in our company is on the bandwagon to eliminate smoking in the workplace.
on the beam
- just right or correct, doing well
What the politician said about the tax problem was right on the beam.
on the bench
- sitting or waiting for a chance to play in a sports game
The new player was forced to sit on the bench for most of his first season.
on the bench
- for a judge to be directing a session of court
The judge was on the bench for three days last week.
on the blink
- not working
My stereo has been on the blink for many months.
on the block
- for sale
Our house has been on the block for one month.
The company will put some old equipment on the block soon.
The famous painting will be go on the block very soon.
on the borderline
- undecided, in an uncertain position between two things
My test scores are on the borderline between passing or failing the course.
on the button
- exactly on time
I arrived for the meeting right on the button.
on the cheap
- at a low cost, using a small amount of money
The young couple do not have much money so they will travel on the cheap.
The university students are living on the cheap.
on the contrary
- as the opposite
I thought that the movie would be boring but on the contrary it was quite interesting.
on the defensive
- trying to defend oneself
I always feel that I am on the defensive when I talk to my friend about money.
on the dole
- receiving welfare
There are many people on the dole who live in the poor area.
on the dot
- right on time
The man always arrives for his meetings on the dot.
on the double
- very fast
My father asked me to bring him the newspaper on the double.
on the edge of one`s seat
- nervously and excitedly waiting for something
I have been on the edge of my seat all day while I wait for the contest to begin.
on the eve of (something)
- just before something, on the evening before something
The sports fans were very excited on the eve of the big game.
on the face of it
- from the way that something looks, superficially, on the surface
On the face of it, it looked like the speeding car had caused the accident.
on the fence (about something)
- undecided (about something)
The politician is on the fence about the tax issue.
on the fritz
- not operating properly
My television set is on the fritz and I may have to buy a new one.
on the go
- busy doing many things
I have been on the go since early this morning trying to prepare for the meeting.
My friend is always on the go.
The woman is a working mother and is always on the go.
on the heels of (something)
- soon after something
There were two weeks of heavy rain on the heels of the big earthquake.
on the horizon
- soon to happen
The government promised that there would be a tax decrease on the horizon.
on the horns of a dilemma
- to have a choice between two things that are both unpleasant or difficult
We are on the horns of a dilemma and do not know what to do.
The team is on the horns of a dilemma about what to do about their bad coach.
The man is on the horns of a dilemma about whether or not to change jobs.
on the hot seat
- subject to much criticism or questioning
I was on the hot seat when my supervisor asked what had happened to the broken computer.
on the hour
- exactly on the hour mark (12:00, 1:00 etc.)
My grandmother must take her medicine on the hour.
on the house
- provided free by a business (usually a bar or restaurant)
The hotel room was not ready when we arrived so they gave us something to drink on the house.
on the job
- working, during working hours
The young man has only been on the job for a few weeks now.
There is no food permitted on the job at our company.
on the level
- honest
The manager was on the level with me when he told me about my job possibilities.
on the line
- at serious risk, uncertain
Many jobs in the company are on the line because of the bad economic conditions.
The boy needs to study harder or his chance to enter university will be on the line.
The fire fighters put their lives on the line when they were fighting the big fire.
on the lookout for (someone or something)
- watchful for someone or something
I am always on the lookout for original movie posters.
on the loose
- free to go, not shut in or locked in by anything
The zoo animals were on the loose for three hours before the zookeeper discovered their escape.
on the make
- trying to get some advantage from other people
"Be careful of that man. He is on the make and will try to cheat you."
on the market
- available for sale
I have seen many good cameras on the market recently.
on the mend
- in the process of healing or becoming better
My friend broke his leg last week but he is now on the mend.
on the money
- exactly right, exactly the right amount
I was on the money when I guessed the correct amount for the plane ticket.
on the move
- moving from place to place, in motion
People are often on the move but they can use their phones to stay connected.
The salesman is always on the move.
The family is on a holiday and are on the move this week.
on the nose
- just right, exactly
What the woman said about our new boss is on the nose.
on the off-chance
- in case something may happen, with the slight possibility that something may happen
I asked the salesman if he had the new computer in his store on the off-chance that he may have one.
on the one hand
- from one point of view
On the one hand I want to go on a nice holiday but on the other hand I do not have enough money.
on the other hand
- however, in contrast, looking at the opposite side of a matter
The boy is very intelligent but on the other hand he is very lazy and always gets low marks at school.
on the point of (doing something)
- ready to start doing something
The man was on the point of buying a new car when he lost his job.
on the QT
- secretly, without anyone knowing
I do not want anyone to know about my plans so I will discuss them on the QT.
on the right track
- following the right set of assumptions
I am on the right track in my search for a good piano teacher for my daughter.
on the road
- travelling somewhere (especially as a salesman or performer)
The man is a salesman and is often on the road.
on the rocks
- to be in a state of difficulty, to be having problems (usually used for a relationship)
The man has been married for seven years but his relationship is now on the rocks.
on the ropes
- in a desperate situation or near defeat (from boxing where a boxer is forced back against the ropes)
The man is on the ropes and is in danger of losing his job.
The boxer was on the ropes and it seemed impossible for him to win the match.
on the same page
- thinking similarly about something
I was on the same page as my friend about our plans for a holiday.
on the same wavelength
- thinking similarly about something
Everybody is on the same wavelength about the need for change in the company.
on the sly
- secretly
We went to the restaurant on the sly so that nobody would know where we were.
on the spot
- in a difficult or embarrassing situation
The man was suddenly put on the spot when the reporter asked him about the money.
on the spur of the moment
- suddenly and without planning
I bought a new phone on the spur of the moment.
The man decided to quit his job on the spur of the moment.
We decided, on the spur of the moment, to travel to the concert.
on the strength of (something)
- due to something such as a promise or evidence
On the strength of my high test scores, I was admitted to the university that I wanted.
on the take
- accepting bribes
The border guard was discovered to be on the take and was immediately fired.
on the tip of one`s tongue
- not quite able to remember something
The name of the movie is on the tip of my tongue.
on the trail/track of (someone or something)
- seeking someone or something
The police dogs were on the trail of the bank robber.
on the up-and-up or on the up and up
- to be honest/trustworthy/sincere
I do not like that company because they are not on the up-and-up.
on the verge of (doing something)
- just about to do something
I was on the verge of quitting my job when I suddenly changed my mind.
on the wagon
- not drinking alcohol (usually used for someone who has a drinking problem)
The man has been on the wagon for seven months now.
on the warpath
- very angry, looking for trouble
Our boss is on the warpath today so you should stay away from him.
on the way (somewhere)
- on the route to somewhere
We got something to eat on the way to the airport.
on the whole
- in general, considering everything
On the whole, I think that the plan is very good.
The boy is not perfect but on the whole, he is a good student.
On the whole, the job offer is good so I will accept it.
on the wrong tack
- following the wrong course of action
The leader of the meeting went on the wrong tack and caused much confusion.
on the wrong track
- following the wrong set of assumptions, going the wrong way
The police were on the wrong track when they went to question the owner of the store.
on thin ice
- in a risky situation
The woman was on thin ice with her company after she continued to come to work late every morning.
on time
- at the scheduled time, exactly at the correct time
Our train arrived exactly on time.
on tiptoe
- standing or walking on the front part of the feet
I walked around the house on tiptoe so that I would not wake up my family.
on top
- in the lead
The boy was on top of his class when he was in university.
on top of (something)
- in addition to something, along with something
On top of everything else my boss wants me to work on Sunday.
on top of (something/things)
- managing something very well, in control of things
We can keep on top of our work now that we have someone to help us.
The girl is always able to keep on top of her homework.
My friend is always very busy but he manages to stay on top of things.
on top of (something/things)
- to know all about something, to be up-to-date
My friend reads the newspaper every morning and is on top of the latest news.
on top of the world
- feeling very good
I was on top of the world after I learned about the scholarship that I had won.
on trial
- being tried in court
The man is on trial for stealing money from his company.
on vacation
- away from work, taking a vacation
I will be on vacation during the first two weeks of July.
on view
- visible, on public display
The new sculptures were on view and everybody in the town could see them.
Once Idioms
once again
- again, one more time, once more
I tried, once again, to phone my boss at his home.
Once again, the teacher told the students when the essay was due.
Once again, the movie director made the best movie of the year.
once and for all
- permanently, finally
I told my friend, once and for all, that I will not give him any money.
once in a blue moon
- very rarely
I only go to that restaurant once in a blue moon.
once in a lifetime
- only happening one time in one's lifetime
The chance to see the famous singer may happen only once in a lifetime.
once in a while
- occasionally
We like to go to a Japanese restaurant once in a while.
once or twice
- a few times
We went to the new restaurant once or twice but we did not really like it.
a once-over
- a quick look at someone or something, a quick examination of someone or something
We gave the rental car a once-over before we signed the contract.
once upon a time
- far in the past
Once upon a time a beautiful princess lived in a castle in a small town.
One Idioms
one and all
- everyone
One and all were invited to the community center to listen to the author speak.
the one and only
- a famous and talented person, the unique and only someone
Yesterday, the newspaper published an interview with the one and only inventor of the DVD player.
one's one and only
- the only person that one loves
The man's wife was his one and only since they first met in high school.
one and the same
- the very same thing, the very same person
It is one and the same if we finish the job today or continue until tomorrow.
The principal and vice-principal is one and the same. They are the same person.
one-armed bandit
- a slot machine for gambling
My friend spent the weekend with a one-armed bandit and now he has no money.
one by one
- one at a time, each in turn
One by one the singers walked onto the stage.
one foot in the grave
- near death
The woman has one foot in the grave and is not expected to live much longer.
the one for (someone)
- the right partner, the right person to marry
When I introduced my girlfriend to my mother she said that she was the one for
one for the ages
- something that will be remembered for many years in the future, to be very impressive
The new novel is incredible. It is surely one for the ages.
The recent performance of the athlete is one for the ages.
It was a big wedding and definitely one for the ages.
one for the books
- something very unusual or remarkable
The latest complaint about noise at work is one for the books and is very stupid.
one for the record books
- something very unusual or remarkable
The latest storm is one for the record books.
one in a thousand/hundred/million
- unique, one of a very few
I only had a one in a million chance of finding my ring which I dropped into the lake.
one jump ahead of (someone or something)
- better prepared or more successful than someone or something else, expecting and prepared for what will happen
The little boy was one jump ahead of the other students after he went to summer school.
one little bit
- any at all, at all (usually used in the negative)
I do not agree with my supervisor one little bit about the new schedule.
a one-night stand
- an activity lasting only one night
The band played one-night stands in many small towns.
one of these days
- some time in the future
One of these days, I will talk to my supervisor about moving to another department.
I need to go to a dentist one of these days.
One of these days, there is going to be an accident on the busy street.
one step ahead of (someone or something)
- better prepared or more successful than someone or something else, expecting and prepared for what will happen
The city was one step ahead of the builders in trying to understand the problem.
one to a customer
- each person can have or receive only one of something
The cameras had a limit of one to a customer at the store.
a one-track mind
- thinking about only one thing
The man has a one-track mind. All he thinks about is money.
the one-two
- quick or decisive action that takes someone by surprise
The salesman gave the customer the one-two and the customer quickly agreed to buy the product.
one up on (someone)
- to have an advantage over someone, to be one step ahead of someone
The boy was one up on the other students because he studied very hard.
- the ability to keep ahead of others, the ability to keep an advantage
The man's one-upmanship and his desire to be better than everyone else makes many people dislike him.
one way or (the other)(another)
- somehow, any way necessary
One way or another, I am going to attend the meeting tomorrow.
The problem does not bother me one way or the other.
One way or the other, I plan to do what I said I would do.
only have eyes for (someone)
- to like only one person, to be loyal to only one person
My sister only has eyes for her boyfriend.
only human
- people make mistakes because they are human beings and are not perfect
Our manager made a mistake but it is not a problem. She is only human.
I made a mistake. I am sorry but I am only human.
Of course, the bank workers sometimes make a mistake. They are only human.
onto (someone or something)
- to have discovered the truth about someone or something
My supervisor is onto the new saleswoman who is taking money from her sales register.
Open Idioms
open a conversation
- to start a conversation
I tried to open a conversation with the man in the bus.
open a meeting
- to begin a meeting
They opened the meeting by welcoming the new guests.
open and aboveboard
- to be honest, to be visible to the public
The company is open and aboveboard and they run their business very honestly.
an open-and-shut case
- something (often a legal matter) that is simple and clear
It was an open-and-shut case when the judge decided the case of the stolen computer.
an open book
- someone or something that is easy to understand
My friend is an open book. He is very easy to understand.
open fire on (someone)
- to start shooting at someone, to start asking questions or criticizing someone
The police opened fire on the man with the gun.
The managers of the company opened fire on the supervisor at the meeting and began to criticize him.
open for business
- a shop or restaurant or business that is open and ready to do business
The small shop is open for business after a long holiday.
open one`s heart to (someone)
- to talk about one`s feelings honestly, to confide in someone
I opened my heart to my friend when I saw her at the restaurant last night.
open Pandora's box
- to uncover more problems or issues than you expected or wanted
The investigation of the company was like opening Pandora's box. Many other problems were discovered.
open season on (someone or something)
- a time when everyone is criticizing someone, unrestricted hunting of an animal
It is open season on our boss and everyone feels free to criticize her.
It is hunting season now and open season on deer.
an open secret
- a secret that so many people know about that it is no longer a secret
It is an open secret that I will be leaving my company next month.
open (someone's) eyes to (something)
- to make someone become aware of something
The scandal opened our eyes to the problems that can occur in a large company.
open (something) up or open up (something)
- to unwrap something
The little boy was laughing as he opened his birthday presents up.
open (something) up or open up (something)
- to reveal the possibilities of something
The departure of the school principal opened his job up to other members of the staff.
open (something) up or open up (something)
- to make something less congested
We opened up the yard by cutting down some trees.
open (something) up or open up (something)
- to start the use of something such as land or a building
The government is planning to open more land up to farming.
open the door to (something)
- to permit/allow something to become a possibility
The new sports center opened the door to many possibilities for getting the students involved in physical activity.
open to interpretation
- the intended meaning of something is not clear, something can be interpreted or perceived or understood in various ways
The movie is very complex and is open to interpretation.
The announcement by the manager is not clear. It is open to interpretation.
open to (something)
- to be willing to learn or hear about new ideas or suggestions
Our principal is open to new ideas about how to meet the needs of the students.
open up a can of worms
- to create unnecessary complications
The dispute with our competitor opened up a can of worms about how to market our product.
open up on (someone or something)
- to attack someone or something, to fire a gun or other weapon at someone or something
The man with the gun opened up on the people on the bus.
open up to (someone)
- to talk frankly or truthfully to someone
I always open up to my friend when I meet her.
open with (something)
- to start with something
The convention opened with a speech from the president of our company.
an opening gambit
- an opening statement etc. to help give one an advantage in bargaining etc.
The union made several concessions in their opening gambit while negotiating with the company.
the opposite sex
- the opposite sex to someone (either male or female)
The math classes were divided so that nobody had to study with a member of the opposite sex.
or else
- or suffer the consequences
The teacher told the students to be quiet or else.
or words to that effect
- with other words that have a similar meaning
My boss told me not to begin the project now or words to that effect.
the order of the day
- something necessary, the usual practice
The order of the day is to clean up the mess that the storm caused last night.
order (someone) around/about
- to give commands to someone
Our new supervisor is always trying to order people around.
the other day
- one day recently, a short time before
I saw my high school friend in the library the other day.
The woman was sick the other day and did not go to school.
I saw my notebook the other day but now it is lost.
other fish to fry
- other more important things to do
I think that the man has other fish to fry and will not be happy to continue with his present job.
the other side of the tracks
- the poorer/richer section of a town (the opposite place from where you are)
The girl came from the other side of the tracks and was not welcome in some parts of the city.
other things being equal
- only if other factors remain unchanged
Other things being equal, I think that the new school policy will be a success.
the other way round/around
- the reverse, the opposite
It was the other way round. My friend wanted to go swimming - not me.
an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure
- it is easier to prevent something bad than to deal with the results
An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure and I decided to stay home and rest rather than go out in the cold with my sore throat.
Out Idioms
out and about
- to be able to go out and travel or move or walk around
My aunt is out and about again after her knee operation.
an out-and-out (something)
- a complete or absolute something
The man is an out-and-out liar and nobody believes what he says.
out cold
- to be unconscious, to have fainted
The patient was out cold when the nurse went to check on him.
out from under (someone or something)
- to be free and clear of someone or something
My friend is out from under the control of her older sister who has gone to live in a different city.
out front
- to be in the front of one's house
"My bicycle is out front," said the young boy.
out in force
- in great numbers
The volunteers were out in force to try and collect money for the new hospital.
There were many people at the game so security guards were out in force.
The fans will be out in force to watch their team tonight.
out in left field
- far from the right answer
The man's question was out in left field. He did not know what we were talking about.
out in the cold
- alone, not included
I was left out in the cold after my friends went to the movie without me.
out like a light
- to have fallen asleep very quickly
I went to bed early last night and I was out like a light.
out of a clear blue sky
- suddenly, without warning
The orders from our boss came out of a clear blue sky and everybody was surprised.
out of action
- to not work or operate, to not be able to do something
The player will be out of action for many more weeks.
out of all proportion
- of an exaggerated proportion
The complaints of the students were out of all proportion to what the problem was.
out of bounds
- outside the boundaries of a playing area
The ball was out of bounds and the boy had to go over the fence to get it.
out of breath
- tired and breathing quickly
I was out of breath after running from the station.
out of character
- unlike one's usual character, not appropriate for one's character
Arguing with the sales clerk was out of character for my father. He never argues about such things.
out of circulation
- not active, to not join in what others are doing
The boy has a new girlfriend so he will be out of circulation for awhile.
out of commission
- broken, not operating
The old boat is out of commission and will not be operating for several months.
out of condition
- not in good physical condition
I am out of condition and I need to exercise more.
out of consideration for (someone or something)
- thinking about someone's feelings or needs, considering someone's feelings or needs
The police did not release the names of the accident victims out of consideration for the family members.
out of control
- uncontrollable, wild
The soccer fans were out of control after their team won the championship.
out of courtesy
- in order to be polite to someone
We phoned our customers out of courtesy to tell them about the late arrival of the products.
out of date
- no longer current or in style
Computer equipment becomes out-of-date very quickly.
out of earshot
- too far from a sound to hear it
My parents were out of earshot and I could not hear what they were saying.
out of fashion
- not fashionable
Most of the woman's clothes are out of fashion.
out of favor (with someone)
- to not have a person`s goodwill
I have been out of favor with my boss for a few months now.
out of gas
- to have no gas in a vehicle, to be tired or exhausted
The truck was out of gas so we could not use it last night.
I was out of gas so I went home and went to bed.
out of hand
- wild, not able to be controlled
The party got out of hand and we had to call the police to quiet things.
out of hand
- immediately and without consulting anyone
The police dismissed my complaint about my neighbors out of hand.
out of keeping with (something)
- not following the rules of something
The late lunch was out of keeping with our policy of working until the afternoon before we ate lunch.
out of kilter
- not balanced right, not in a straight line or lined up correctly
The door is out of kilter and does not open very well.
out of line
- unacceptable, not correct
The salesman's proposal to travel to New York is out of line. We can never accept it.
out of luck
- without good luck
I was out of luck and could not find the part for my computer printer at the store.
out of necessity
- because of necessity, due to need
The library will close on Saturdays out of necessity. It has no money.
out of one`s element
- in a situation where one does not belong or fit in
The teacher is out of his element teaching the computer course. He does not know anything about computers.
out of one`s hair
- not bothering or annoying someone
The woman got her children out of her hair and was able to do some work.
out of one's mind/head/senses
- to be silly or crazy, to be not using common sense
My friend was out of his mind to buy a new computer when he has no money.
out of one`s shell
- to move from silence or shyness and into friendly conversation with others
The girl came out of her shell and began to play with the other children.
out of order
- not working
The public telephone was out of order.
out of order
- against the rules - used in a meeting when someone does not obey the rules of speaking
The man's question was ruled out of order at the meeting and he was not able to ask it.
out of place
- in the wrong place, at the wrong time, improper
The woman's comments at the party were out of place. She should have said them another time.
out of pocket
- the direct expenses that one spends for business or personal use
My out-of-pocket expenses for my recent business trip were very low.
The money that I spent on my business trip was all out of pocket.
out of practice
- performing poorly due to a lack of practice
I am out of practice and I cannot play the trumpet very well now.
out of print
- no longer available for sale from the publisher
The book is out of print and is very difficult to find.
out of proportion
- having the wrong size or shape compared to something else, more serious than necessary
The curtains are out of proportion to the small window.
The carpet is out of proportion compared to the room.
The fears of the woman are out of proportion to the problem.
out of reach
- not close enough to be reached or touched, unattainable
The books on the bookshelf were out of reach and I could not get the dictionary easily.
out of season
- not easily available for sale at some time of year, not legally able to be hunted
Strawberries are now out of season.
The hunting of ducks is now out of season.
out of service
- not operating at this time
The elevator has been out of service all week.
out of shape
- not in good physical condition
My mother is out of shape and cannot walk for a long distance.
out of sight
- not visible
The children were out of sight and we could not see them.
out of sight
- to be unbelievable or stunning
The view from the tower was absolutely out of sight.
out of (something)
- to have none left of something
The restaurant was out of fish so we had meat instead.
out of sorts
- not feeling well, in a bad mood
Our boss is out of sorts today so you should wait until tomorrow to speak to him.
out of spite
- with the desire to harm someone or something
My friend would not help me out of spite because he is angry at me.
out of step
- not in step or keeping pace with someone
The bandmembers were out of step when they were marching in the parade.
out of step with (someone or something)
- out of harmony or not in agreement with someone or something
The boy is out of step with the rest of the group and he needs to think about what he should be doing.
out of stock
- not immediately available in a store
The special pens were out of stock when I went to the store this afternoon.
out of style
- not fashionable
The style of jeans that my friend likes to wear have been out of style for a long time now.
out of the blue
- without warning, happening suddenly and unexpectedly
Out of the blue, my friend decided to stop using Facebook.
The decision to close the store came out of the blue.
out of the corner of one's eye
- at a glance, with a glimpse of someone or something
I saw the car coming out of the corner of my eye and quickly moved away.
out of the equation
- not a choice or option, removed from consideration
This phone is too expensive so it is out of the equation as we look for a better phone.
There are problems with the job applicant so she is out of the equation as we look for a new employee.
The player is injured so is out of the equation for our next game.
out of the frying pan and into the fire
- going from one problem to another (maybe more serious) problem, from something bad to something worse
When the man changed jobs he jumped out of the frying pan and into the fire. His new job is much worse.
out of the hole
- out of debt
I am working at an extra job to try and get out of the hole.
out of the loop
- not having information about what is happening, not informed
The man is out of the loop and does not know what is happening in his company.
out of the mouths of babes
- something that a child says shows that he or she understands more about a situation than you thought that they did
The little boy's statement was out of the mouths of babes. He knew everything that was happening.
out of the ordinary
- unusual
There was nothing out of the ordinary at the scene of the accident.
out of the question
- impossible
"You have no money so going to Brazil for a holiday is out of the question."
out of the red
- out of debt
The small company is out of the red after cutting many costs.
out of the running
- no longer being considered
The new movie is out of the running for any major awards.
out of the way
- in a remote or far away location
We went to an out-of-the-way restaurant for dinner.
out of the woods
- no longer in a dangerous situation or condition
The man's injury is very serious and he is not out of the woods yet.
out of thin air
- out of nothing, from nowhere
The deer jumped out of thin air and onto the road.
out of this world
- wonderful, fantastic
The cake at the restaurant is out of this world.
out of touch with (someone or something)
- no longer in contact with someone
I am out of touch with many of my friends from high school.
out of town
- not in one's own town
My father has been out of town a lot this year.
out of tune
- not in agreement, not going well together
We are out of tune with what the other members of the group think.
out of tune
- not properly adjusted for pitch
Two members of the orchestra were out of tune.
out of turn
- at the wrong time or order
The teacher becomes angry when her students speak out of turn.
out of whack
- not functioning correctly, out of adjustment
My DVD player is out of whack and I cannot use it.
out of work
- unemployed
Many people are out of work in our town.
out on a limb
- in a dangerous or risky position or situation, in a difficult position
The man went out on a limb and offered his brother the job.
out on bail
- out of jail after you have paid bail money
The man is out on bail after being arrested for robbing a bank.
out on parole
- out of jail but still under police supervision
The bank robber is out on parole after being in jail for seven years.
out on patrol
- away from a central location and observing or inspecting something
The soldiers were out on patrol most of the night.
out on the town
- out in a town or city having fun and partying
I am tired today because we were out on the town last night.
(be) out to (do something)
- to be determined to do something, to be planning to do something, to have decided to do something
My boss always seems to be out to cause me problems.
The man is out to make as much money as he can.
out to lunch
- crazy, not alert
The man seems to be out to lunch but everybody likes him.
out with the old and in with the new
- leave old things or ideas behind and bring in new things or ideas, to change the old for the new
The new owners of the company want to change many things. It is out with the old and in with the new.
It is the end of the year so we must clean our house. It is out with the old and in with the new as we discard many old things.
outgrow (something)
- to get too big or old for something
The little boy is beginning to outgrow his small bicycle.
outguess (someone)
- to guess what someone else might do
It is difficult to outguess my boss. She always knows what is going on in our company.
outside of (something)
- except for something, other than something
Outside of the weather, our vacation was quite enjoyable.
outside the box
- not bound by old and limiting structures or rules or practices
Everybody in the design company was encouraged to think outside the box in order to be creative.
Over Idioms
over a barrel
- in a helpless or trapped position
We have the other company over a barrel and we should be able to win the contract easily.
over and above (something)
- in addition to something
Over and above my salary, I also get a transportation allowance from my company.
over and done with
- finished
I want to get my legal case over and done with and forget about it.
over and over
- repeated many times
I told my friend over and over that I do not want to go to a movie.
over one`s dead body
- never, under no circumstances
Over my dead body will I let my friend use my car.
over (someone`s) head
- beyond one's ability to understand something
The joke went over the girl's head and she did not understand it.
over (someone`s) head
- to go to a more important person who has a responsibility for something, to go to a higher official
The store clerk could not help us so we went over his head and talked to his boss.
over the hill
- past one`s prime, too old to be useful
The man is over the hill and should not be working at all.
over the hump
- over the difficult part of something
We are over the hump with our project and should be able to finish it soon.
over the long run/haul
- over a long period of time
Over the long run the man plans to expand his business.
over the short run/haul
- for the immediate future, over a short period of time
Over the short run the old computer is adequate for the job.
over the top
- excessive, exaggerated, beyond a certain limit
The demands of our boss are over the top and impossible to do.
The wedding was over the top but people certainly enjoyed it.
The large donation from the business put us over the top in our goals to collect money.
over with
- completed, finished with something
The game is over with so now we can eat dinner.
When we are over with the meeting, we can go home.
We need to get this project over with so that we can do something else.
overnight (something)
- to send a package or document somewhere for delivery the next day
I will overnight the documents tonight.
owing to (someone or something)
- because of someone or something
Owing to the bad weather many airplane flights were canceled.
own up to (something)
- to accept the blame for something, to admit one`s guilt about something
The suspected murderer owned up to the murder of his wife.