A Business Contract and Some Sports Idioms
1. Do you know any large construction contracts?
2. Do you know any large construction companies?
We thought that our company had the inside track to get the new construction contract. No other company was in the running. From the beginning, it was smooth sailing for our company and everything looked good. This changed when a small construction company came out of left field and decided to also bid on the contract. It was usually par for the course to have some competition in the bidding process so we were not surprised at this. However, this small company had a bad reputation and did not do business on a level playing field. The contract was not a safe bet for our company anymore and we would have to rethink our plans. However, at this stage of the game, we had already made much effort and we would continue to work hard to win the contract.
Reading Questions
Answer the following questions. The answers can easily be found in the reading above.
1. Who thought that they had the inside track to get the new construction contract?
2. Was another company in the running to get the contract?
3. Was it smooth sailing from the beginning for the company?
4. Who came out of left field?
5. Was it usually par for the course to have some competition in the bidding process?
6. Did the small company usually do business on a level playing field?
7. Was the contract still a safe bet for this company?
8. At this stage of the game do they want to continue trying to get the new contract?
Making Connections and Idiom Meanings
Some of the idioms have another meaning or are connected to another meaning. Use this information to help you choose the correct meaning for each of the following idioms:
Your score is: ___ out of 8
Correct or Incorrect
Your score is: ___ out of 8
Grammar Focus
Your score is: ___ out of 8
Discussion Questions
Answer the following questions using the idioms from this section:
1. Did you ever have the inside track to get a good job?
2. Do you know anyone who always seems to have the inside track to get what he or she wants?
3. Have you ever been in the running for an award?
4. Do you know any companies that are in the running to get a big contract?
5. Was it smooth sailing for you during your last year in school?
6. Is it basically smooth sailing for you at the moment?
7. What event in your recent past has come out of left field?
8. Do you know any government policies that came out of left field?
9. Is it par for the course that you sometimes have no money?
10. Is it par for the course that someone you know is often late?
11. Do you think that public companies are playing on a level playing field with private companies?
12. Do you know anyone else who is not playing on a level playing field?
13. Is it a safe bet that you will get a great job in the future?
14. Do you know anything that is not a safe bet now?
15. At this stage of the game, would you like to stop studying English?
16. Do you know any sports teams that, at this stage of the game, have no chance to win this season?
Role Play
Student A: You are trying to get a contract to provide food services for businesses in the downtown area of your city.
You have the inside track to get a good contract. You are presenting your bid to a company.
Student B: You are the company that is looking for someone to provide food services for companies downtown. You are asking questions about the bid to get the contract.