Hot and Cold Idioms and a Quarrel
What are some things that can cause friends to become angry with each other?
I was trying to keep my cool after meeting my friend at a coffee shop. She was very angry at me. I thought that things were more or less relaxed between us. However, when she showed up at the coffee shop, I knew that there was something wrong. She was hot under the collar because she thinks that I had not been friendly to her. She says that I had given her the cold shoulder in the school cafeteria. I do not think that this is true. However, she decided to make a big deal about this. I know that if we can talk over this problem we will be able to solve it. Hopefully, things will then cool down and we will become good friends again.
Reading Questions
Answer the following questions. The answers can easily be found in the reading above.
1. When was this person trying to keep her cool?
2. Did she think that things were more or less relaxed between her and her friend?
3. Did her friend show up at the coffee shop?
4. Why was her friend hot under the collar about something?
5. Did her friend think that she had given her the cold shoulder in the school cafeteria?
6. Did her friend decide to make a big deal about this?
7. Would she like to talk over this problem with her friend?
8. Would she like things to cool down so that they can become good friends again?
Making Connections and Idiom Meanings
Some of the idioms have another meaning or are connected to another meaning. Use this information to help you choose the correct meaning for each of the underlined idioms:
Your score is: ___ out of 8
Statement and Response
Your score is: ___ out of 8
Grammar Focus
Your score is: ___ out of 8
Discussion Questions
Answer the following questions using the idioms from this section:
1. Are you able to keep your cool in most situations?
2. Do you know a case recently where someone could not keep his or her cool?
3. Do you more or less finish your homework or projects on schedule?
4. Do you have enough time, more or less, to do what you want?
5. Do you usually show up early for a meeting or interview?
6. Have you ever forgotten to show up for an important event?
7. Do you ever get hot under the collar about something?
8. Do you know anyone who is always hot under the collar about something?
9. Have you ever given someone the cold shoulder?
10. Has anyone given you the cold shoulder recently?
11. Do you know anyone who makes a big deal about small things?
12. Have you ever made a big deal about something small?
13. Can you easily talk over your problems with a friend?
14. Have you talked over something important with someone recently?
15. Do you cool down quickly after you have an argument with someone?
16. Do you know anyone who never cools down after an argument?
Role Play
Student A: You are talking to your friend. You are trying to keep your cool but you are very angry.
Your friend did not show up for your appointment at the right time and you are furious.
Student B: You do not know why your friend is so angry. You were only a little bit late. You think that your friend is making a big deal out of something that is not important.