Time Idioms and a Cheap Ticket
1. Have you ever won a prize? What kind of a prize?
The telephone rang. It was my friend. He was excited and began to talk in a manner that was fast and furious. I did not understand what he was trying to say. It had something to do with some cheap tickets to Hawaii. That sounded great. I have always wanted to visit Hawaii. He said that in order to get the tickets, I would have to fill in an application form online. In other words, I have to make a decision quickly. Then I will have to get back to my friend. With respect to my job, I will have to talk to my supervisor and check my schedule. This will be easy and in less than no time I should have reservations for one week in Hawaii.
Reading Questions
Answer the following questions. The answers can easily be found in the reading above.
1. How did the friend talk?
2. What did the conversation have something to do with?
3. What does he have to do in order to get the tickets?
4. In other words, what does he need to quickly do?
5. Who does he need to get back to?
6. What must he do with respect to his job?
7. What should he have in less than no time?
Making Connections and Idiom Meanings
Some of the idioms have another meaning or are connected to another meaning. Use this information to help you choose the correct meaning for each of the underlined idioms:
Your score is: ___ out of 8
Match the Sentences
Your score is: ___ out of 8
Grammar Focus
Your score is: ___ out of 8
Discussion Questions
Answer the following questions using the idioms from this section:
1. Have you spoken in a fast and furious manner about anything recently?
2. Have any changes been fast and furious in your life recently?
3. Do you like movies that have something to do with space travel?
4. Do know a book that has something to do with Africa?
5. Would you change jobs in order to get more money?
6. Have you ever rented a truck in order to move something?
7. Have you recently filled in a form for something?
8. Have you ever filled in a form for your mother?
9. Do you need to get back to anyone at the moment?
10. Does anyone need to get back to you at the moment?
11. Do you have any questions with respect to your school or job?
12. With respect to your future plans, what do you want to do?
13. Can you usually finish your homework in less than no time?
14. Can you finish your lunch in less than no time if you have to?
Role Play
Student A: Your friend phones you. He is talking in a fast and furious manner and is very excited.
He has two cheap tickets to a great concert. He wants you to go with him.
Student B: You want to go to the concert but you have to work and you have to study for your night course and you are very busy with other things. Still, you really want to go to the concert.